طلب عدم تعيين أو تكليف أفراد من النظام السابق
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/ #992011-08-29 16:13We have seen during the last 6 months that many people have hidden agendas including some members of the NTC that have worked previously with Saif. As we have agreed from the beginning that no one from the NTC or the Kadafi regime will take any position in the new government , we have therefore to maintain our promises and our engagements if we want a good start. We have been fooled enough for the last 42 years, it is now quiet enough, lPlease et the new faces, the clean hands and the youths have a chance for a better bright change. We have also seen that many persons that are decision makers in the NTC, are making businesses and taking commissions from European, Turkish, and American Companies, some of them have got their own Companies in Europe and in the Arabian Golf , and they are making important businesses through these Companies, We would like to assure them that we are on our best alerts and we are keeping them on a close watch, and we will see that justice will prevail very soon. I would like to show my satisfaction and gratitude to Mr. Mustafa Abdeljalil who have done a great Job to Libya, and made all the world respect Libya and Libyans. He seems to be up to now the cleanest person in the NTC, with all my due respect to some honest people in the NTC. He should set the best example to all Libyans that want to proceed for a better future. Even Mr. Mustafa Abdeljalil said that he will be subject to legal questioning for the 4 years period he served under Kadafi Regime. that is the type of Libyans we are looking for to change our Country. We have noticed also that many wealthy Libyan business men that have made their fortunes from Kadafi or from his followers, they have now joined the revolution and changed their jackets and their skins, we will not be fooled by their generosity and their contributions, these people have sucked the Libyan people's blood for many years and are now buying protection from our revolution, in order that they can continue to suck our blood even after the revolution. We will not under any circumstances give the chance to some opportunists business men or few persons from the NTC, to ride the wave and take advantage from the revolution that was irrigated by our youths blood. Our revolution is clean from all the previous filth and we want to keep it clean no matter how much more blood we will have to pour, So who so ever is willing to march to bright future without extremists and opportunists is very welcome to our new Libyan Era. We will be victorious InshAllah Best regards, Samir El Ghul |
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