من اجل ابقاء تسليم اللقاحات مباشرة للطبيب
انا اوقعmohamad mazraani (Beirut, 2020-05-11)
موافقRabih Sbeiti (Beirut, 2020-05-11)
I feel I am not being included in decisions that affect my work directlyMona Alameh Pediatrician (Beirut, 2020-05-11)
لاني مسؤول عن سلامة الطفل المتلقي للقاحAli Zeitoun (بيروت, 2020-05-11)
انا أوقع و أوافق نبيل مغنيهنبيل مغنيه طبيب اطفال (بيروت, 2020-05-11)
AgreeJulien Ltaif Dr. (Zahle, 2020-05-11)
موافقZoulfikar NASSER EL HAJ Pediatricians (Beirut, 2020-05-11)
لأجل صحة المجتمع واطفالنا ومنعا لاستغلالهم من تجار المال والمنافقين والمنتفعيناحمد بصل طبيب (بيروت, 2020-05-11)
مهتم بصحة وعافية مرضايحسن شقير طبيب (بيروت, 2020-05-11)
Dr RaedBazziRaed Bazzi (Beirut, 2020-05-11)
انا أوقع حفاظا على أطفالناطالب جمال (بيروت, 2020-05-11)
ادافع عن الجسم الطبي ومصلحة الطبيب وعدم ارتهانه لمافيات الادويةHilal chaaban Md- orthopedic surgeon (Saida, 2020-05-11)
دكتور نضال المولىنضال المولى طبيب (بيروت, 2020-05-11)
I am signing this petition because I believe my opinion as a doctor who takes care of children was not taken. Lebanon in spite of being a very small country with limited resources has been a big success story among the MENA countries in eradicating several very dangerous diseases such as Polio and Measles to name a few mostly due to the close partnership between the ministry of health and the private sector AKA us the pediatricians. Over the past 30 years the ministry of health has done multiple vaccination campaigns which were a great success because we the pediatricians have made huge efforts to make sure the biggest percentage of children are vaccinated due to our close relationship with families and the trust they have in us and I underline us. For that reason it came as a complete surprise when I learned that the minister of health under pressure from the syndicate of pharmacists was inclined to change the current practice in vaccinating children that is the same practice in the United States and most European countries . Well child visits are not just about vaccinations but mostly about talking to families relieving their anxieties in caring for their children, advising them on the best practices in caring for their children but most importantly it is precious time to access both the physical and the mental development of the children under our care. I can assure you that without those regular visits to us a big number of children who had mental or physical delay would not have been picked up and benefited from early interventions that helped put them back on the right track. If vaccines are offered in pharmacies there is nothing to guarantee that pharmacists will not offer to administer them which will destroy well child visits and as such will deprive both families and children from these benefits. So when something so important and so successful is about to be destroyed and thrown into garbage instead of making it a model to be applied to other health areas it deserves from us a big stand to say the least. I want to also take this chance to address our fellow pharmacists who we respect and consider them partners in fighting diseases . Life is not about monetary gain or loss when at stake are lives of helpless innocent children that might be put at risk when their vaccination schedule is not followed well and by that I mean the numerous phone calls we do to remind them to bring their children in so as not to miss the vaccines . Without this close follow up forget about vaccinating the biggest percentage of children , it will not happen. To our esteemed minister of health Dr Hamad whose remarkable efforts in dealing with COVID 19 have been a true success story in the opinion of friends and foes i implore. him to reconsider and think hard on the implications of such a drastic decision. Our country is already in a hard place economically which makes deciding how to spend our limited resources in the health sector very critical . Changing current practices in Vaccination means definitely re-emergence of dangerous diseases something I am sure we don’t have the luxury of time or finances to deal with now. My humble opinion is that all the efforts and precious time and resources should be directed now at finding ways to provide free healthcare to all especially the underprivileged and wasting this time on topics like this is very unorthodox at this specific moment and bringing it up is shady to say the least. Finally , I hope in this holy month that God will guide us all to do what is right for the children because their health should be the only consideration and anything that puts this at stake is a crime against humanity .Mona Alameh (Beirut, 2020-05-11)
محمد حرزمحمد حرز (بيروت, 2020-05-11)
أنا بذلك أسمح لـ اطباء الاطفال في لبنان بتقديم توقيعي لمن لديهم صلاحية في هذهDr-Mohamad Ali Al-Akhras (بيروت, 2020-05-12)
رندةرندة رحال (بيروت, 2020-05-12)
انا اوقعنوال عقل طبيبة أطفال (عالية, 2020-05-12)
Miryam AmmMiryam Amm (Jbeil, 2020-05-12)
أنا أوقع لأنني طبيبة أطفال واضم صوتي لزملائيCARINE Kossaife (Jbeil, 2020-05-12)
انا اوقع لان تقديم اللقاح للأطفال و اليافعين هو المدخل الأول و الأهم لمتابعة صحتهم الجسدية و النفسية و النمائية و صحة أهلهم على السواء و لتفادي الأمراض المزمنة.لمى شرف الدين Associate Professor (بيروت, 2020-05-12)
doneriad moubarak (Beirut, 2020-05-12)
اللقاح يجب أن يكون من طبيب الأطفال وتحت إشرافه ولكن دون استغلالDr-Samir Houssami (بيروت, 2020-05-12)
أوقعجعفر الحر طبيب أطفال (الضاحية الجنوبية لمدينة بيروت, 2020-05-12)
donehassan kobeissi DR (beirut, 2020-05-12)